Thursday, April 13, 2006


Rotaractors were privileged to be part of the Official Farewell Ceremony hosted by the Government of Samoa and UNDP for Mrs. Joyce Yu (Resident Representative for UNDP in Samoa)and our dear Mr. Ed Lai on the 20th of March at the pristine grounds of the Robert Louis Stevenson Museum at Vailima. Our Rotary Club of Apia liaison representative Ed will be sorely missed by Rotaract.


Rotaract had its own version of Star Search during March 17th potluck fundraiser and social activity at Skye's place at Vaivase. Thanks Skye, Sushi was Oishi Desu Ne!!! The purpose of this event was to encourage members to submit their subs for this financial year. But also for everyone to just kick back, relax and show their hidden vocal talents. From Mariah "Reichard" Carey to Jon "Ross" Jovi, the lineup was quite impressive. The main award of the night went to the Stars, Miss Ramona and Mr Sonny. Malo le pese pepelo!!! lol. Come midnight, nobody wanted to stop singing. Alas Richie ended the fun by packing up so he could go home to practice some more with the karaoke machine. lol. All in all, everyone had a super fun night!!! Another karaoke night in the future?