Monday, December 04, 2006

Donate a toy, create a smile!

The Rotaract Club of Apia is beseeching the help of the public again this Holiday Season in gifting the pediatrics ward at the Tupua Tamasese Meaole Hospital with books and toys for the children. This is part of the Club’s annual International Project where it usually pairs up with one or more of its international counterparts to provide aid and support to each other.

Last year, for their international project, RCOA helped the Rotaract Club of Rarotonga through extensive fundraising and sponsorship drives, to buy food supplies for the island of PukaPuka in the Cook Islands, which was devastated by the multiple cyclones in early 2005.

This year, RCOA is cooperating with its sister Club in Redcliffe, Australia to provide new curtains, linens, books/magazines, toys, wall hangings and posters for our pediatrics clinic at Motootua. This was decided after much deliberation and liaison with Dr Aiga Sesega, a General Practitioner at the National Hospital. The Club is set to give the “dreary” place a minor “facelift” just in time for Christmas.

“Initially, it was decided that we would undertake to paint the walls bright colours, with pictorial settings, etc – to create a fun and happy atmosphere,” says RCOA President, Ofeira Faasau. “However, we have ruled out that option due to the fact that the hospital will undergo major renovation within the next few months, and any effort in facilitating this service would have only been a temporary one.”

The pediatrics ward has been a special concern for Rotaract since it’s reestablishment in the end of 2004, when they also fundraised and gave out Christmas presents for the hospital-bound children of Samoa who weren’t going home for the holidays. This year, with the help of the Rotaract Club of Redcliffe and the Samoan public, RCOA hopes to create more smiles and make the children’s ward at our National Hospital a brighter and more cheerful place!

“The children of Samoa have very special places in each of our hearts and whatever we can do to help those who need it, we are more than happy to do, in whatever insignificant way we can,” Faasau said.

In this quest, the Club will be holding a Toy/Book Drive Siva on Wednesday, 6th December, at the Bora Bora Bar, Togafuafua. Doors open at 6pm. You are cordially invited to join them for a fun-filled night to support their cause! Please feel free to bring along as many toys and/or books as you want, and help the Rotaract Club of Apia create smiles this Christmas!

The Club is planning to present the materials to the Children’s Ward on December 8th, 2006.


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